Body, Mind, & Spirit Experiential Mastermind On Beautiful Lake Tahoe

Most Highly Successful People Have Sacrificed In Key Area's Of Their Life To Achieve Their Success. For The Body, Mind, Spirit Experiential Mastermind We Have Assembled 4 High Achievers To Show You How You Can HAVE IT ALL

What Is The Body, Mind & Spirit Experiential Mastermind?

Hello, I'm Dr. Shane Smith, an entrepreneur and business owner with over 17 years of experience. Managing the challenges of being a good father, a devoted husband, and maintaining a thriving business is no small feat.

To address this, my esteemed friend, Pastor Brian Hall, and I have organized an extraordinary event tailored for individuals like yourself in the entrepreneurial realm. If you're watching this, you're not only successful but also striving for self-improvement, a common trait among entrepreneurs.

We've planned an incredible three-day weekend at the beautiful Sierra Sunset, a 16,000 square foot mansion on the East shore of Lake Tahoe. This event is designed to be intimate, accommodating no more than 16 participants. We'll gather in cozy settings to explore ways to become better versions of ourselves.

Our agenda includes a day focused on physical health hacks, another on mindset enhancement, and a day devoted to spirituality. The goal is to integrate these three aspects of our existence, helping us navigate life more effectively. We aim to improve ourselves so we can better serve our clients and families, and find peace in knowing we're doing our best.

This all-inclusive weekend includes airport pickup, meals, drinks, and activities like boating. We've planned an array of exciting experiences, all with the goal of self-improvement and making a positive impact in the world.

If this interests you, please click the link below for more information. 

Meet Your Hosts

Experts In Their Field, Each Facilitator Will Help You Optimize The Key Areas Of Life

Dr. Shane Smith

Doctor, Speaker, BioHacker
Read Bio >

LaShawn Merritt

Olympic and World Champion Sprinter
Read Bio >

Brian Hall

Visionary Founder, Lead Pastor, and Spiritual Coach Extraordinaire
Read Bio >

Dr. Brookh Lyons

Doctor, Speaker, Family Relationship Expert
Read Bio >

Dr. Shane Smith

Upper Cervical Doctor, Speaker, Bio Hacker

Dr. Shane Smith, with over 17 years of experience as an upper cervical specific chiropractor, has aided thousands of patients who felt hopeless and neglected by mainstream medicine. He founded Precision Care Chiropractic and later became the inaugural franchisee of a network of specific chiropractic centers. Trained in central nervous system restoration and certified in sleep medicine, functional nutrition, and functional blood chemistry, Dr. Smith employs these techniques to eliminate life's interferences, enabling patients to lead healthy, happy, and fulfilling lives. His holistic approach treats patients as complete individuals, not just a collection of symptoms.

Beyond his chiropractic work, Dr. Smith is a proactive lifestyle coach, guiding patients in making healthier choices, from shopping habits to cooking. He even conducts cooking classes to practically implement his office teachings. A pillar in his community, Dr. Shane is known for his service, generosity, and leadership, including a two-year presidency of the Chico Kiwanis Club, which offers activities and leadership opportunities for youth.

Married to Antonia for over 21 years, they have three children, including a middle child with Down Syndrome. This personal experience led them to establish the Chico Down Syndrome Connection, supporting families with children who have special needs.

The upcoming weekend aims to inspire attendees to balance success in life and business without sacrificing other aspects, whether it's relationships or health. We'll demonstrate how to leverage existing strengths that have driven success in one area of life and apply them to other areas that may have been overlooked, ensuring a well-rounded, successful life experience.

Brian Hall

Lead Pastor, Spiritual Coach, Visionary Founder Extraordinaire

Brian Hall, a dynamic force in spiritual coaching, is the esteemed founder and Lead Pastor of two non-profit organizations – Cincinnati Dream Center and Cincinnati Dream Works. His unwavering commitment to transforming lives extends beyond his pastoral duties, as he is also the president of his family's thriving development company spanning across three states.

With an impressive range of cross-functional expertise, Brian excels in Business Operations, Executive Leadership, Life Coaching, Pastoral Guidance, and Preaching/Teaching. His true passion, however, lies in witnessing the profound transformation of souls from within.

Over the years, Brian has earned a stellar reputation as a spiritual coach, guiding over 1,000 of the world's most renowned influencers, celebrities, entrepreneurs, and CEOs. His unique blend of wisdom, compassion, and insight has made him a sought-after mentor, leading him to travel the globe for the past six years, providing spiritual guidance to his clients and their families.

At the heart of Brian's life is his cherished family. He has been blissfully married to Traci for 16 years, and together they have been blessed with four beautiful children. Brian's dedication to both his personal and professional life is a testament to his unwavering faith and commitment to making a lasting impact on the lives of those around him.

LaShawn Merritt

3X Olympic Gold Medalist & World Champion Sprinter

LaShawn Merritt: Olympic Champion, Sprinting Virtuoso, and Inspirational Mentor

LaShawn Merritt, an Olympic and World Champion sprinter, brings a legacy of speed, endurance, and mental fortitude to the Mind Body Spirit Experiential Mastermind. Celebrated for his remarkable achievements on the track, LaShawn has transcended the boundaries of athletics to become a symbol of dedication, resilience, and personal growth.

A Legacy of Speed

LaShawn's journey in the world of athletics is marked by extraordinary milestones. As an Olympic gold medalist and world champion, he has stood at the pinnacle of sprinting, showcasing not just physical prowess but also a deep commitment to his sport. His journey is a testament to the power of dedication, hard work, and the relentless pursuit of goals.

Beyond the Track

At the Mastermind, LaShawn will share the lessons learned from his years of competing at the highest levels. His focus will be on how to cultivate a winner's mindset, build resilience in the face of adversity, and harness one's inner strength to achieve personal and professional goals. His insights will extend beyond physical training, delving into the mental and emotional aspects of peak performance.

Empowering and Inspiring

LaShawn's role as a mentor and facilitator is underscored by his ability to inspire and motivate. He understands the challenges of maintaining peak performance under pressure and will offer strategies for mental toughness, focus, and maintaining balance in life. His approach is holistic, emphasizing the importance of aligning physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Join LaShawn Merritt

Participate in an enriching experience with LaShawn Merritt at the Mind Body Spirit Experiential Mastermind. His journey from an Olympic champion to a mentor embodies the spirit of excellence, resilience, and holistic growth. LaShawn's presence offers a unique opportunity to learn from a world-class athlete who has mastered the art of translating physical achievements into life lessons for personal and spiritual enrichment.

Dr. Brookh Lyons


Doctor, Speaker


Brookh Lyons, a seasoned health professional with 30 years of experience, is recognized for her advocacy of personal care to strengthen families. Her diverse journey began as a cheerleader in the CFL, where she embarked on her public speaking career.

After almost two decades in private practice, Dr. Brookh retired to cherish valuable moments with her teenage children and travel with her husband. With her children now grown, she established Body Bella in 2022 to promote healthy, sustainable weight loss. She believes that feeling good about ourselves is crucial, as it impacts how we engage with the world and our loved ones. From her varied experiences, she learned that embracing life involves continual growth and support, with our adult actions often reflecting childhood self-discovery.

In her book, "The Envelope System," Dr. Brookh delves into the crucial relationship between fathers and daughters. Recognizing the differing communication styles of men and women, she emphasizes the significance of the family bonds, providing workshops and classes that encourage participants to nurture vital relationships and implement The Envelope System by writing meaningful letters that shape their children and legacy.

Brookh will inspire you with her insightful concepts and guide you in establishing simple yet profound habits that cater to your family's needs, no matter the time you spend together.

An Experiential event for High Performers Who Are Looking To Get The Most Out Of Their Life: Mind, Body, and Spirit

We have assembled an All-Star cast of highly successful individuals that are going to walk you through how to find success and joy in every key aspect of your life: Mind, Body, and Spirit. 



This weekend, we're dedicated to providing you with the essential tools to train yourself in positive, reinforcing self-talk. This will empower you to overcome mental challenges and build momentum towards achieving your goals. We believe in transforming internal dialogues to foster a mindset conducive to personal and professional growth.
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While healthy, you can have many wishes, but when sick, the only wish is to regain health. Many successful businesspeople neglect their health, planning to focus on fitness, diet, and rest 'later,' but often, 'later' never comes. Over time, this neglect can lead to decreased high-level functioning as the body begins to fail, even if the mind remains sharp.

This weekend, we aim to share bio-hacks, tips, and tricks that have helped us maintain physical fitness, meeting the demands of business and life, and enjoying personal time without sacrificing our health.
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Often, we overlook the spiritual aspect of our lives, possibly due to negative experiences with religion, family influences, or simply because it's a topic not commonly discussed. Yet, it's hard to deny the presence of something greater in this vast universe.

This weekend, we aim to broaden minds and hearts, helping people realize that life encompasses more than just our physical senses. We're focused on fostering a healthy, nurturing, and loving connection with a higher power, enhancing the overall experience of life as its fundamental element.
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One Inspiring Weekend To Show You How You Can HAVE IT ALL

One weekend that can have a profound impact on your business, your family, and your purpose here in this life. 


Facilitated By High Level Achievers In Their Field



Opening Night

Wednesday the 8th, everyone arrives. We will break bread together. Make introductions. Get to know the house, get everyone set up in their rooms. Enjoy some wonderful food, maybe some drinks. We'll sit by the fire and have a fireside chat. It will be a preparation evening for the weekend to come.


Day One

Day one is dedicated to 'Body Day.' On this day, we will discuss and review sleep studies and blood chemistry tests conducted prior to the guest arrival. Additionally, we'll examine Circul Ring results to monitor and measure the effectiveness of our guests sleep patterns and how their bodies use sleep for restoration and rejuvenation of health.

The day will be interactive, with ample opportunity for questions to be asked and answered. Speakers will share stories and insights on maintaining fitness and health. We will also debunk common nutrition myths, aiming to provide our guests with a clear understanding of the origins of health and strategies to enhance it.


Day Two

Mindset Day will be led by two of our esteemed speakers, renowned for their mental resilience and achievements as world champions in their respective fields. These speakers will share their personal stories of overcoming hardships and the strategies they employed not only to navigate through life's toughest challenges but also to maintain composure during their greatest triumphs.

A key focus will be on the danger of complacency, especially when life seems easy. As my good friend and mentor, David Stech, once remarked, 'Comfort is the silent thief.' Our speakers will guide our guests on how to harness and leverage the power of their minds, aiding them in achieving their goals and staying focused amidst any chaos that surrounds them.


Day Three

Spirit Day will be an opportunity to delve deeply into our spiritual connections. We'll share stories of gratitude, grace, patience, and kindness, as well as recount how we've overcome significant life challenges by leaning into our spiritual selves. This day is about exploring how to deepen our connections with friends, family, coworkers, business partners, and importantly, with ourselves, as we navigate life.

Excursion Announcement: We're excited to inform all our guests of a special surprise – a private boat trip on Lake Tahoe, offering a chance to appreciate the stunning scenery and the beauty of the area.


Sierra Sunset Estate
South Lake Tahoe, NV

The grandest view this world affords was just discovered along the southeast shore of Lake Tahoe With a 16,703 square foot main house, a private dock, and over 150' of shoreline, this 24-acre estate isn’t your typical vacation destination, it is your personal oasis.

Tucked behind a gated entry, only 10 minutes away from South Lake Tahoe, this spectacular lakefront home includes eight master bedrooms, a theater room, exercise room, wine room, gourmet kitchen with butler’s pantry, a formal dining room, two living rooms, an expansive backyard patio, plus a game room with a spectacular bar, pool table and fireplace. Sierra Sunset Estate is an incredibly expansive property, yet comfortably serene, with the lapping waves of Lake Tahoe, the rustling Aspen trees, and the wildlife that can be spotted throughout the year. 

Sierra Sunset Estate
Experience The Beauty Of Lake Tahoe
150 Feet Of Private Shoreline
Relax, Learn, Grow
Experience Transformation Set In The Beauty Of Lake Tahoe

A Weekend Full Of Growth, Fun, and Relaxation. Set In The Serene Beauty Of Lake Tahoe.

Enjoy A Fireside Chat

with the speakers

Relax In A

Luxurious Environment

Get To Know Other Entrepreneurs

and Business Owners

Take In The Beauty

Of Lake Tahoe

Enjoy Some

Private Time

Feel Free To Extend

Your Stay.

We Have Access To Many Homes On The Lake

The Tahoe Experiential Mastermind Is An Investment In The Rest Of Your Life

Let us show you how you can HAVE IT ALL. We've all sacrificed for success, but it doesn't have to be that way. Let our team of experts show you how. 

What's Included In The Mastermind Weekend?
  • In house sleep study
  • Functional Blood Chemistry Panel with in depth conversation & plan w/Dr. Shane
  • Circul + Ring. The most advanced biometric device on the market. Dr. Shane will monitor over time
  • Amazing Food And Awesome Drinks Provided By A Private Chef
  • Private boat tour of Lake Tahoe
  • Pick up/drop off from the airport
  • Learn innovative approach to "success integration"
  • LaShawn Merrit's "gold medal mindset" course
  • Deep connection and new relationships made with other guests
  • Learn how to take what's made you successful in one aspect of your life and apply it to all facets of your life. (I don't know how to say this more succinctly).
  • Continued access to coaches and other guests via private FB group.

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